Thursday, June 9, 2011

Roller Coasters and Chiropractic

A practice member came in last week complaining of headaches since her recent trip to Holiday World. Apparently, her kids convinced her to ride the roller coaster, "The voyage, and "the raven". If you’ve ever ridden these rides, you know how fun, but jarring, they can be. You might not have known how dangerous it could be, though.

As much as I love roller coasters, i don't like these coasters. I remember thinking while on the ride “Man. This ride is rough! I wonder how many people need an adjustment after getting off this thing?” i need to set up a table at the end of this ride!

My practice member only experienced headaches. There have been a couple of reports of people dying of heart attacks after getting off roller coasters. Truth is, that is entirely possible. Not because the ride scared them to death, but because the neck trauma can damage the spinal cord at the level of the brain stem which affects all of your body’s vital functions, including heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. That’s the part of the nervous system that was damaged when Christopher Reeve (Superman) fell off his horse and Dale Earnhardt hit the wall.

Oddly enough, it only took a simple, gentle adjustment at the top of the neck and my clients dizziness and nausea went away. For most people, that very same adjustment can help their blood pressure, asthma, vertigo, acid reflux, ADD/ADHD, migraines, even hemorrhoids. I know it seems strange that something that simple can be so powerful. But, it is. You just have to find the RIGHT chiropractor.

So, the next time you leave the amusement park with a sore neck or back, don’t ignore it. Visit your chiropractor or get in touch with me to find you one.

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