Monday, November 14, 2011

Headaches and back pain and ear aches, OOHH MMYYY

 What is health to you?  is it the guy in the guy who struts around with a 6 pack, and huge chest and arm muscles?  or is it the guy who gets up and runs every morning?  How about the who eats packages of vitamins every day?

All of these could be good examples of healthy living, but it doesn't mean they are healthy.  The guy with the muscles?  Steroids, The runner?  Dies of a heart attack, how about vitamin guy?  nice guy as well, but is he truly "healthy?"

I guess that all depends on your idea of health.  Some people feel like health is lack of symptoms, if they don't have anything wrong, they must be healthy.  Unfortunately, most people live under this premise, and die an early death.  However, the way the world works, if your going to just go on this premise, your one stressful situation away from getting sick, or getting closer to un-health.

So, my idea of "health" is from death, which we'll call a 0,  to perfect health at 100.  Now, you don't go from perfect health to perfect death overnight, stress acts on your body in several ways, through chemical-such as smoking, or cleaning materials,, emotional-(stresses with your relationships), and physical responses (hard work).  These things cause stress on the body in the response where the nervous system sends out altered signals because the bones of the spine are out of alignment.  That is where a Chiropractor comes in, our job is to remove these interferences (what we call subluxations) so that the body once again is in harmony.  I believe there is an innate intelligence in the body, that part of your body that makes your body a self healing, self regulating organism.  Think about this, when you ate that McRib last night, did you have to think about how to digest it?  Nope, it just did it on its own.  How about tell your heart to breath?  these signals travel throught the nervous system, and need to be unhindered.  That is what Chiropractic is all about.

Now, a lot of people have us pegged as back pain specialists, or headache guys, and while it is true that people usually get a great response to their adjustments, and that their "pain" quickly disappears, that's just the beginning.  After the pain has gone away, the bigger picture is that by keeping your spine adjusted regularly, you keep your body as close to 100% health as possible.

Chiropractic is unique to all other professions because we offer HEALTH care, not sick care (like the medical paradigm).  Think about it, would you rather be closer to health or closer to sickness and death every day?  What about your family?

Don't get me wrong there is a time for medicine.  But it's when your body has trouble fighting off things on it's own.  My vote is to try and stay healthy.  If your in my area, and want to get your spine checked for subluxations, give me a call.  If your not in my area, call me anyway, and I have good Chiropractic friends all over the U.S.  We have a network of like minded Chiropractors who want you to experience real Chiropractic care.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Where does life come from?

Question #1: Where does LIFE come from?

Iknow this is going to sound crazy, but it’s not from a bottle of Aleve, or a shot of toxic vaccinations, or from a diabetic drug, or from removing tissue from the body.  You may be thinking “DUH”, but we all have been conditioned to think “Health” comes from Outside-In and that taking harmful drugs creates Life.
That’s right…  Every single medication (DRUG) you put in your body is TOXIC, including vaccinations.  So, if that’s the case.  Can LIFE come from consuming Toxic chemicals in the form of a vaccination?
That’s right.  NO!

Question #2: How do you Express LIFE?

Again, maybe another seemingly silly question, but you express LIFE through every fiber of your Physical Self.  The only difference between you living, breathing, and reading this right now, and your great grandmother, who is long passed away, is you’re expressing LIFE and she is not.  LIFE is not an all-or-nothing prospect.  You can choose to either have lots of LIFE, or you can choose to squander it and have little LIFE expressing through your body.
Here’s the golden nugget in all of this…  Your nerve system is the conduit between the Power that Animates your body (LIFE) and your Physical Self.  Now, let me ask. How can consuming man made, chemical produced, synthetic vaccinations increase Nerve Performance and LIFE?
Right again.  IT CAN’T!

Question #3: What’s the Alternative?

Ihate that word, “Alternative”.  When did it become the “Alternative” to seek LIFE from Inside-Out, rather than from a drug or knife?  When did it become “OK” to inject toxic chemicals directly into the blood streams of our children?  When did it become “accepted” to inject poison into the bodies of our own kids with little thought of the possible consequences of choices?
It’s time for us to all wake up and THINK.  LIFE has never and will never come from Outside our bodies.  LIFE can only come from Above-Down-Inside-Out.  You have a choice and you have a say in what happens to you and your families.
You just have to open your eyes and see the LIFE.

**This was borrowed from A fellow Principled Chiropractor Jason Ulsrud.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kids and Chiropractic

Millions of children suffer from the ill-effects of subluxations, and this study shows that chiropractic is the #1 choice of holistic care for children.  In addition, parents are choosing chiropractic care to provide proactive health and wellness care before problems develop.

More and more researchers are looking at chiropractic because of the results we produce. As the antibiotic-resistant "super germs" proliferate, and the cost of disease treatment escalates, prevention makes more sense now then ever!

Since doctors (of any type) don't heal, traditional "health" care is really just symptom treating. Drugs can't produce health. Only our bodies can do that. The best any doctor can do is to help improve resistance and restore a patient's ability to heal. Chiropractic has an edge because we work with the nerve system, which controls everything from your blood pressure to your immune system.

Hope you're doing great and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Dr. Andrew

P.S. The youngest child I've ever adjusted was only 3 minutes old!  It's never to early to get your child checked out!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

View Find a Principled Chiropractor Near You! in a larger map More and more Chiropractors are going toward the Principled membership movement! If your interested in being on the map, let us know!,-94.482422&spn=34.755796,86.572266

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I get alot of questions about vaccines, so i decided to ask a local expert. Her website is Just click the play button! If you have any questions answered, just ask, and we'll do a follow up interview.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Do you have headaches? There's hope! Check this out

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Some people HATE Walmart...

Some people just don’t like Walmart. But, LOTS of people obviously DO like Walmart. In fact, in less than 50 years Walmart has become the largest corporation in the world.

Walmart is the world’s largest corporation for one reason, value. Sam Walton’s little business became a BIG business because their prices were just a shade lower than their competition’s. As a result, the average American family shops at Walmart EVERY week for the typical stuff you could buy at any grocery store or hardware store or clothing store. Granted, no one goes to Walmart for specialty items or designer clothing.

While the typical prejudice is that Walmart serves only low-income families, actual research shows that the retailer has a growing high-income clientele that shops there for their store brand items for even greater savings. In other words, intelligent, informed consumers shop there to save money on items they purchase on a routine basis where name brands are not necessary and the saving sis appreciated.

Which brings me The Membership Practice, a concept in chiropractic that provides individuals and families with access to chiropractic care at affordable fees without the need for insurance. In fact The Membership Practice model offers unlimited chiropractic care at a low monthly fee deducted from your credit/debit card. The business model is based on long-term maintenance and wellness care. The assumption is that the average user of wellness-based chiropractic care will get checked an average of once a week. At Lobacz Chiropractic Office (in Evansville, IN) the monthly fee is as low as $49 for an individual and $119 for an entire family.

While some practitioners complain that the fees are too low and cheapen the profession’s image. My response is “baloney!”. The concept actually enables chiropractors to help more people get the regular care that helps families stay healthy and out of the doctor’s office. Fewer trips to the doctor’s office means money saved that can go to other needs the family may have like vacation, retirement, braces, etc. Just like Walmart’s new slogan ““Saving people money so they can live better lives”, The Membership Practice aims to lower the barriers to families having affordable access to routine chiropractic care anywhere in the United States.

Heck, I can even see The Membership Practice in all 6000 or so Walmart stores across America! What a great deal for Walmart, chiropractors and the public. Imagine getting the family adjusted once a week when they go to Walmart or 500-1000 new customers going shopping at Walmart when they go for their weekly adjustments. Imagine 12-15,000 fully employed chiropractors earning a god living as they adjust hundreds or thousands of folks each week. And, imagine the money and lives saved because of the number of Americans taking fewer drugs and making fewer visits to the doctor’s office because of their new-found health.

The vision of The membership Practice is that every man, woman and child in America has access to quality, affordable chiropractic care. Insurance is hardly affordable for chiropractic care these days. IF the average American is to have ready access to regular chiropractic care, it is imperative that the profession find ways to make it available. And honestly, I’ve always believed the free market is where the solution to rising health care costs would be found.

Look for The Membership Practice near you. If you don’t have one, let me know. I’ll help you find one. And, maybe one day you’ll even find them in your local Walmart store.

Give my office a call at 812-476-2225!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic has the reputation of being able to help people with neck pain, back pain, and headaches, but did you know there are a wealth of other things that Chiropractic can help with?

* Allergies
* Asthma
* Auto Accidents Injuries
* Bedwetting
* Carpal Tunnel
* Colds
* Depression
* Fibromyalgia
* Flu
* High Blood Pressure
* Migraines
* Numbness and Tingling
* Pinched Nerves
* PMS and Painful Periods
* Pregnancy
* Sciatica
* Scoliosis
* Slipped/Bulging/Herniated Discs
* Sprains/Strains
* Stress
* Whiplash
* Wellness
* Anything and everything not listed here!

Am I, as a Principled Chiropractor, like any MD, Surgeon, or any other type of medical practitioner you’ve been to previously? NO, I am not. These guys work from the outside in. They either give you a pill or cut something out that’s not working. My belief is that God gave you all the parts you’ll ever need, and He didn’t give you any expendable parts. Now does that mean MDs and Surgeons are bad people? NO, it just means that I, as a Principled Chiropractor, have a different philosophy than they do.

Chiropractic is different than other health disciplines mainly because we look for the cause of the disease or symptoms from the inside out. We look for the reasons your body isn’t working right, the reasons you have pain, discomfort and sickness that you’ve come here with. Rather than trying to “hide” the sickness or pain by giving you a drug to cover it up or suppress the symptoms, we’re going to look into the body to find out what is causing this irritation and see why the body isn’t functioning properly.

When a bone in the spine becomes misaligned, causing the nerve to be choked, Chiropractors term this Subluxation. When a nerve is being choked as it exits the spinal column, it causes the life force, or your body’s intelligence, to be greatly decreased. It’s like shutting off the electricity to whatever this nerve goes to.

The pain or dysfunction you’re experiencing could be the result of one or more of your nerves being pinched. If it is, there is more going on than you realize. Organ damage and abnormal cell growth are also at work, and it’s this process that causes the symptoms you’re experiencing.

This has built up over time, causing symptoms, and most of the time the symptom is the first thing you’ll notice, but an entire process has occurred before you even realized anything was wrong. This being said, the symptoms are usually the last thing to show up, and the first thing to go away. It’s a good thing our bodies are designed to have symptoms like pain because without them you’d never know when something is wrong. Wouldn’t it be foolish to cover them up?

It’s not that I don’t care about your back pain or headaches, but I want you to know there’s a bigger picture here. I want to maintain your spine through regular adjustments to prevent pinched nerves, ill health, and damage to your body that could be occurring right under your nose without you even knowing.

Most people come into a Chiropractic office with the intent to get rid of back pain and headaches. Please don’t come in with that consciousness. Although I do get good results with aches and pains, my purpose is really to maintain your spine through regular adjustments. Like getting an oil change or a tune-up for your car, if you keep your body running well you will have less problems later on.

I don’t want to simply treat symptoms. I want you to heal. I want your body to function normally. I want to keep your nervous system healthy so that your immune system stays healthy and your body can heal itself and function the way God intended it to. I move the bone, and God does the healing. I look forward to seeing you in my office.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call, email, or drop by my office. To set up an appointment, give me a call at 866-365-2049

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Roller Coasters and Chiropractic

A practice member came in last week complaining of headaches since her recent trip to Holiday World. Apparently, her kids convinced her to ride the roller coaster, "The voyage, and "the raven". If you’ve ever ridden these rides, you know how fun, but jarring, they can be. You might not have known how dangerous it could be, though.

As much as I love roller coasters, i don't like these coasters. I remember thinking while on the ride “Man. This ride is rough! I wonder how many people need an adjustment after getting off this thing?” i need to set up a table at the end of this ride!

My practice member only experienced headaches. There have been a couple of reports of people dying of heart attacks after getting off roller coasters. Truth is, that is entirely possible. Not because the ride scared them to death, but because the neck trauma can damage the spinal cord at the level of the brain stem which affects all of your body’s vital functions, including heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. That’s the part of the nervous system that was damaged when Christopher Reeve (Superman) fell off his horse and Dale Earnhardt hit the wall.

Oddly enough, it only took a simple, gentle adjustment at the top of the neck and my clients dizziness and nausea went away. For most people, that very same adjustment can help their blood pressure, asthma, vertigo, acid reflux, ADD/ADHD, migraines, even hemorrhoids. I know it seems strange that something that simple can be so powerful. But, it is. You just have to find the RIGHT chiropractor.

So, the next time you leave the amusement park with a sore neck or back, don’t ignore it. Visit your chiropractor or get in touch with me to find you one.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Eating right and Chiropractic, do they go together?

Eat right, what's that mean?

Recently have been working with a Nutritionist/Dietitian, and have come up with a guide to that question. It's not really a "weight loss" guide, but just like Chiropractic is not really a cure to any symptom, such as headaches, or back pain, but creates an overall wellness within the nervous system, and allows the body to function as intended, nutrition also helps keep someone at a healthy weight, keeps your organs working better, and helps your body function at its optimum potential. So, together we have put together a program that is individual to everyone, but at the same time, has the "keys" to success that everyone can benefit from. There is no way we want to confuse anyone with this project, so we've put together 12 individual weekly updates to help you get started, and get you information a little bit at a time. This guide is built on years of education, but we've simplified it down to easy terms. Most dietitians usually charge several hundreds of dollars for this information, but we're putting it online, and making it easy!

This is the type of thing we want you to use and benefit from for the rest of your life, not a get thin quick guide. Knowledge is Power, and we want to give you the Power, to check it out, go to,

If you have any questions or concerns, post something below!


P.S. If you have any questions, shoot me an email if you want to be private. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What's a good diet?

Ok, here's the skinny....excuse the pun...

First and foremost, I am not a dietitian. It's just not my specialty....however, here's my opinion on diets in general.....they suck!

To learn to eat properly is important. I use the book from Bill Phillips called, Eating for Life. It has pictures of meals, and as a guy, lets be honest, i like pictures of food. I like it at restaurants also....without a picture, sometimes i can't even say or sound out what a food is, but if i can point, i'm good.

Anyway,I really like the idea of eating several times a day to sustain energy, and keep your blood sugar leveled out. It's how professional body builders, diabetics, and alot of people eat anyway, regular meals, with snacks in-between....and again, as a guy, i love snacks.

Now, i recently began working out on the P90X system. Some of you have probably heard about that, it's on late night television, and its a tough workout. I wouldn't recommend that program for someone who's just starting out...maybe a 30 minute walk for the first month to get yourself on the right track.

Also, a new product my office is using to "cleanse your body" is called HCG. Now, i don't recommend this program for a life long way of eating, but it does help cleanse and reset your system so that you lose unwanted pounds quickly, and get results. After that you'll have the motivation to eat better, and work out regularly to keep off the weight! If you interested in learning more about this product, check out the website at

If you would like to come to our next workshop, give me a buzz today by clicking the google button....simply enter your name and phone number in the box below, it will call your phone, when you answer hit the number 1 button, and it will connect you to our office.

(just leave your name and phone number if no one answers..we'll get back to you as soon as we possibly can!

In good health,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why would i visit a Chiropractor if i don't have back pain?

Most people pursue chiropractic care when they have back pain, neck pain, or headaches, and then typically not until other treatment efforts or the passage of time have failed to provide relief. When relief is obtained the problem is assumed to be solved, with no further need for spinal attention. This may be the way you’ve been trained to think as well. However, there is a much bigger reason to care for your spine. Consider the following key points.

Your nervous system travels through and anchors into your spine, and runs every aspect of your health and life. When you experience a physical trauma such as a car accident or an emotional overwhelm, your nervous system communication, which needs to be finely-tuned, gets disrupted. You might be thinking “But I feel fine, I don’t have any pain, so I must be okay”. Keep reading to see why this conclusion could be costly.

Do you desire a longer, healthier life or simply no pain?

Here are a few highlights from a basic science research article published in the Journal of Clinical Neuroanatomy in Nov. 2009. It reveals significant connections between neck misalignments, a distressed autonomic nervous system, disturbed system-wide physiology, and possible disease consequences. It goes on to explain why gentle precise adjustments (like we provide with our instrument approach) especially of the neck, contribute to enhanced whole body health.

There is a critically important nerve center at the junction of your neck and head (nucleus intermedius) that coordinates autonomic control of your internal organs to changes in your posture. Misaligned positions and abnormal motion of your neck vertebrae stimulate distress messages to this nerve area. The greatest influence is to the circuits relating to the cardiovascular system, especially evoking changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

These connections help explain the study results reported in the Journal of Human Hypertension in March 2007, which showed that precision neck adjustments significantly reduced blood pressure, and the outcomes remained stable during an 8 week follow-up period.

The disturbed nerve activity from neck misalignments has also shown negative influences on respiration, immune activity and other essential internal systems. This is further explained and illustrated through patient stories in my book “Where Does it Hurt?”

There’s one more extremely important point I must share from this research. The nerve fibers irritated by the spinal misalignments induced by trauma and stress weren’t pain receptors! This confirms that non-painful misalignments, especially in the neck, negatively alter the function of the autonomic portion of your nervous system, the part that adapts you every day to the stresses of life and prevents you from developing disease.

This was apparent in the 2007 blood pressure study mentioned above. The authors noted that none of the patients whose blood pressure was significantly reduced by the chiropractic adjustments were suffering from neck or back pain!

Yes, at Lobacz Chiropractic we help large numbers of people every day with their back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more. But I want you to see the bigger picture. Your nervous system is the primary determinant of your health and life. Prioritize your care of it, regardless of pain or well beyond its resolution, and you will be well-served.

Chiropractic…Your most valuable health assurance policy available today!