Friday, December 12, 2008


One of the biggest questions I ask New Patients is, "Where did you hear about us" and I'm really surprised to hear the responses....its usually NOT oh i was searching the phone book and.....

most of the time it is word of mouth, or even the banner I have outside the office....something as simple as "Accepting new patients"

Here is an example...

I bought it for a great price at and I get alot of great response with it. It's a one time buy that gets attention every day all day, and doesn't require sick days or holiday pay!

If your another Chiropractor reading this, or anyone else in business, remember, paying big bucks for advertising isn't always the best way. The best way is "any positive way" that will get the public's attention.

Addendum: This sign has been stolen a few times, so now I take it in nightly. However, esigns prices went up, way up, and I would recommend using a different company.