Friday, December 12, 2008


One of the biggest questions I ask New Patients is, "Where did you hear about us" and I'm really surprised to hear the responses....its usually NOT oh i was searching the phone book and.....

most of the time it is word of mouth, or even the banner I have outside the office....something as simple as "Accepting new patients"

Here is an example...

I bought it for a great price at and I get alot of great response with it. It's a one time buy that gets attention every day all day, and doesn't require sick days or holiday pay!

If your another Chiropractor reading this, or anyone else in business, remember, paying big bucks for advertising isn't always the best way. The best way is "any positive way" that will get the public's attention.

Addendum: This sign has been stolen a few times, so now I take it in nightly. However, esigns prices went up, way up, and I would recommend using a different company.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

ACE Chiropractic Program

Welcome to A.C.E. Open Practice

We are a network of professional principled chiropractors offering affordable chiropractic care to everyone. Now you can find a chiropractor that offers both high quality care and at an affordable price.
These principled chiropractors have promised the following
  • To make chiropractic easy, affordable, simple, and convenient!
  • No silly office procedures to waste your time!
  • No stupid long drawn out forms to fill out for hours and hours!
We promise to take care of you just like our own family and to not make you jump through hoops and we promise to never lie, cheat or steal from you either!
It is our philosophy to do the following:
  • To love for the sake of loving
  • To give for the sake of giving
  • To serve for the sake of serving
All of our chiropractors have adopted our patient rights creed: To Accept All Patients Regardless Of Age, Condition, Or Financial Ability To Pay! That’s right!.. All of our chiropractors have promised to take care of anyone and everyone who truly wants to receive chiropractic care.
The problem with chiropractors today is that they make it just too difficult to get under regular chiropractic care. Most chiropractors are trying to practice medicine with a chiropractic license.

You see out of 18 chiropractic colleges here in the U.S., and not counting the foreign chiropractic schools, 17 of the chiropractic colleges are basically “wanna be medical schools”.
The majority of the chiropractic schools here in the U.S. are medically based, and are not really chiropractic schools in the truest sense of the word. Not all chiropractors are alike, in the sense that most chiropractors are very symptom orientated, and make getting under regular chiropractic care unattainable and expensive.
Principled Chiropractors teach that when you get well, it’s your body that healed you.

To reach your Evansville Chiropractor, give him a call today at 866-365-2049

Or find us on the web at

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is really very simple....however, a-lot of Chiropractors are even confused about this.

Chiropractic really has very little to do with pain at all. That doesn't mean that we as Chiropractors don't care about pain, or can't help with it, its just that the true purpose of Chiropractic is much much deeper.

Here's the thing. With the job that you do, and the activities that you participate in, your body takes a toll.

Now, just like tuning you car up, you need to keep your body tuned up as well. The best way this can be done is to get it adjusted. A lot of people don't realize that getting adjusted actually correlates with health....

Let me explain.... if your brain controls your body, and your body is getting good (uninterrupted) signals, your healthier. So lets say a nerve is getting pressure that goes to your long do you want that nerve pressure to exist?

Now, the problem with most chiropractors is that they want to play medical doctor with you, and make fill out a ton of paperwork, and take all kinds of x-rays, and the truth about that is that they are mainly looking to sell you a package of visits. It's not their fault, its what they were taught by so called "practice consultants".

At my office you pay one monthly fee and you can come all month, as much as you want. Why don't more chiro's practice this way? They just don't realize that its fair this way.

Now why get adjusted?

-Have Less Pain
-Have more energy
-Less Stress
-Help blood pressure
-Improves your immune system
-Live Longer
-Better Concentration
-Stops the decay in your spine, and prevents arthritis

If you have any questions, please call my office at 866-365-2049 and leave a message with who-ever answers the phone.

God bless,

Andrew Lobacz D.C.