Monday, January 26, 2009

Evansville's #1 Chiropractor exposes the truth

This past weekend I got an email from an upset Chiropractor all the way from MT! it is...

Name: M J D.C.
Phone: 406-207-****

City: missoula
State: mt

Message: Not sure if I went to school with you but from the looks of your homepage I suggest you go bury your head! What a way to give chiropractic a discount Dr name. Way to go dip**it! Please call so I have the chance to disgrace you further!

I get emails like this all the time from Chiropractors who think they are Medical Doctors. Apparently he is upset because he doesn't get to wear a stetha-scope around his neck or write prescriptions, he wants to belittle me. Honestly I wish I could speak to him, and show him how to really grow his treating people fairly.....

See the problem with these guys is this, they are SO upset with me for providing Chiropractic care at an affordable fee that they search me and other guys out to whine because they don't have a good practice. As a matter of fact, he told me that he charges $150 a visit...more than my unlimited monthly fee. So, if your interested, shoot me an email, and I can give you his name and phone number---HAHAHA.

The problem with Chiropractors today is they think Chiropractic has something to do with back pain, neck pain, or headaches and by taking x-rays they think they can diagnose your problem....the truth is, I've seen x-rays of people with non-textbook perfect spines and they don't have headaches or neck pain....why is that? And don't fall for that "Your spine is crooked, and its going to take 12 visits (or more) to correct it." This is what the practice consultants teach....and the truth is, ya maybe it will become curved again, maybe not...if not, I bet the Chiropractor doesn't take the credit, he will blame you for that.

**Here's the senario, you sit at your desk all day on the computer, typing, emailing, bent over, and 12-30 visits is going to heal you? RIGHT.... the truth is, you need to be adjusted on a regular basis to combat your habits....theres probably no real correction for you....thats a buzz term that Chiropractors are taught to use..

This is not at all what Chiropractic is about at all...i'm not saying that patients don't "feel better" or get relief from headaches or back pain, its just that Chiropractic is really about your immune system and nervous system. When you have non-blocked nerve impulses your body is healthier.

Now, is it worth 150 a visit? Maybe, I guess if your having really bad pain, and the adjustment helps with that pain...but Chiropractic works best if you have a routine of 1X a week or so. This routine could keep away problems such as heart disease, or even cancer. Now, I didn't say it would heal cancer, or heart disease, but cases have been recorded.

So, if this sounds like a good plan to you, give us a call and schedule your first appointment. If you like me and the office, I'll dial you in on our unlimited plan. This means no appointments, no waiting, you come in, get popped and your on your way again. We try to make it as easy for you as possible.

Call us today at 866-365-2049

P.S. Don't pay ridiculously high fees for adjustments- and if you've been to a Chiropractor who has done this to you, I'm sorry. Give us a call, and we'll treat you like family. Check us out on our website at