Friday, January 27, 2012

If you wear this suit to work, listen up!

During the month of February, Lobacz Chiropractic is giving away care to local Fire Fighters.  It's our way of saying Thank You for your hard work!  All you have to do is call us at 812-476-2225, and we'll set up your first visit!  It's that simple.  Oh, and you don't need back pain, or neck pain, or ANY Pain to see a Chiropractor!  That would be like saying, check the batteries in your smoke detector at the first sign of a fire!

Give us a call today to set up your first visit.  Remember, this is at NO COST to you!

Oh, and please share this with the facebook link below, so your friends can see it!

Andrew Lobacz
Principled Chiropractor

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What do fax machines and Adjustments have to do with each other?

Here's my day yesterday.....

I have been trying to fax something to a guy for about a month now.....i keep asking him if he's gotten to it yet, and i'm thinking he's busy, and telling me hasn't gotten it yet.  So yesterday, i try one last time, then text him and tell him it should be there....  he sends back, NOPE! i go online, google Brother fax machines, and bam, the first things it says, go through all the menu's make sure this and that is checked off....(I do all of this), and still nothing sending.  

Then i started thinking, lets go back to basics.  Is everything hooked up?  Nope somehow the phone line had fallen out and a real "disconnect" was happening on my end.  Simple enough, a quote ran though my mind, "find it, fix it, and leave it alone"!  

SO what's this have to do with getting adjusted?  Simple, just like a fax running though a phone line, messages are sent to and from your brain to your heart, lungs, back, everywhere in the body.  These messages get disturbed even a little bit, and BAM!  It's not going to work correctly.  That's what Chiropractic and getting adjusted regularly is all about!  Sure it will help with back pain, and headaches, but because we re-connect man the body with man the spirit, and that allows your inborn (innate) intelligence to take the wheel and HEAL!   

You can't get that from a pill!  

If you'd like to make sure your connected, give my office a call at 812-476-2225 and my lovely receptionist will get you in for an appointment.  We are offering a really cool special right now, it's $50, and that takes care of everything you'll need for the FIRST WEEK!  Adjustments for a week.  If you like what we do, we have plans available for every budget!

See ya soon,


Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's resolution time again!  Like everyone, you've probably set goals to improve your lifestyle and get your health on track.  The question is, are you hanging out with the right people to succeed?
There's a saying that goes 'if you want to be happy, hang out with happy people.'  The same can be said for being HEALTHY.  Ever notice the people who hang out at the Chiropractor's office?  They're generally health conscious and excited about Life.  Most of them didn't start off that way.  At some point they decided to maintain their spines like other happy, healthy Chiropractic clients and eventually became happier and healthier people themselves.
If you're resolved to being more sick, more tired and more medicated, then hang out at your local pharmacy or hospital.  On the other hand, if you're committed to renewing your health and improving your Life in 2012, then spend more time with people who can get you there.  We'll be hanging out at the Chiropractor's office.

Call today, 812-476-2225