Saturday, December 12, 2009
My day at the office today...
Her mom told me that she woke up today and both of them were feeling a bit rough...
so this little girl crawls up on momma and we adjust her...very simple, non-forceful and after she got her adjustment, she looked up at me and put her hands out , as in she wants me to hold her....first time for everything!
Anyway, that is what innate intelligence is all about. That little spirit inside all of us that runs our bodies. That innate intelligence is what runs our bodies, and what we need to run freely, without interruption. That is what Chiropractic is all about...
...........Just one of the many miracles we see every day!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
How to pick the right Chiropractor for you...
See, Chiropractic works on the philosophy that the one who made the body-heals the body. Now, if your a Christian, and I hope you are, you believe that we all have a spirit, it's in our brain. That's when you hear a doctor say, "He's brain dead" he's really saying, the spirit is gone....means the same thing.....he/she is dead.
Now that the gruesome part is over, let's talk about a "live" person....A live person has this "spirit" inside of that controls everything....the technical name for this is autonomic nervous system, (controls heart rate, blood pressure, lung function)-pretty much everything our bodies do automatically.
Now, the way these signals are sent is from the brain, down to the rest of the body through the nerves. It's simple anatomy. Now, how important would it be to you if these nerves weren't pinched off? I would hope very important.
Here's the thing though.....what makes Chiropractic so cool is that if you get checked on a weekly basis, and make sure that your nervous system is healthy, your going to increase your whole body's ability to function correctly, making it very easy for your nervous system -which includes the nervous system- to keep your body healthy.
So, the point is to ward off sickness....wouldn't it be cool to keep yourself and your family at your best year round?
That's why Chiropractic is not really about "neck pain" or "back pain"...will it help with that stuff? SURE! And that's usually one of our first goals...if your in pain, we want to help!
Now, instead of paying 50-120 to get adjusted, we offer plans as low as $49.00 a month. However, we are only accepting so many practice members for this membership deal. After this, we you will be put on a waiting list. Don't wait around. Experience good health starting now. Go to and check us out. When you call, mention that you were on our website, and get our "new patient" special for $37.00. We'll see you soon!
Friday, November 27, 2009
This year we are very blessed with a daughter....she could be here any day and we are anxiously awaiting her arrival.
If any one is looking to get in, I believe Jamie is going to make an appearance the first couple of weeks in December, and then we usually close the last couple weeks in December to spend time with our family and friends.
However, don't hesitate to call, or stop by and we'll get ya in!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's been a while since I have been on, I have been very busy with my family. Just for an update:
Emily, my wife is only a week or so from delivery, however, could go any time. I feel so bad for her, because she hasn't really slept well for weeks. She's been through so much!
Jamie is going to be back in December for the first couple of weeks, then we usually take the last couple of weeks of December off. It's usually to nasty to do anything anyway.
If anyone has any questions, don't be afraid to give our office a call and ask!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Flu Prevention
Help your body prevent/overcome the “FLU”:
* Healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables – include fresh garlic
* Boost your immune system with nutrients of Vitamin A, C, E and Zinc
* Get sufficient sleep minimum 8-9 hours/night for adults and more for kids
* Walk minimum 30 minutes/day outside of normal routine
* Drink plenty of water
* Keep a positive attitude!
* Chiropractic care
You may ask…. “How can chiropractic care help me prevent/overcome the ‘FLU’?” The chiropractic adjustment has been shown to improve circulation and increase white blood cell (WBC) production, thus, increasing immune function and fending off or fighting any diseased processes such as the ‘FLU’.
Did you know that when there was a ‘FLU’ epidemic in 1917-1918, it was estimated that 20 million people died in the world of that there were 500,000 American deaths. During this time in Davenport, Iowa, (chiropractic birthplace 1895) it was reported:
“out of the 93,590 patients treated by medical doctors, there were 6,116 deaths — a loss of one patient out of every 15. Chiropractors at the Palmer School of Chiropractic adjusted 1,635 cases, with only one death. Outside Davenport, chiropractors in Iowa cared for 4,735 cases with only six deaths — one out of 866. During the same epidemic, in Oklahoma, out of 3,490 flu patients under chiropractic care, there were only seven deaths. Furthermore, chiropractors were called in 233 cases given up as lost after medical treatment, and reportedly saved all but 25. In another report covering 4,193 cases by 213 chiropractors 4,104 showed complete recovery.”1
Chiropractic care will help you boost your immune system and overall body function.
Is chiropractic care part of your ‘FLU’ Prevention?
Before you take the ‘Flu Shot’ make an informed decision. There is plenty of research out there for and against taking the vaccine.
1The World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Evansville Chiropractor | View on Flu injections
For example, remember the last time you walked past a dirty dumpster at a restaurant or a hotel. Every time you see a dirty dumpster, what comes along with that dirty dumpster: rats, roaches, raccoons and many bugs. These pests always seem to gravitate to the dirty trashcan, not a clean one.... Read More
Why? It's likely that the dirty trashcan has the food those pests need to survive. If you took the time to put out a clean trashcan and kept it clean every single day, the vermin and bugs would never show up, because there is nothing to eat there.
Trashing our bodies
Simply put, the reason many of us become sick is because our body is a dirty trashcan. For years, we have been taught that sickness starts with germs and bacteria, viruses and any type of micro bacterial invasion. Later, the presence of these bacteria and viruses create illnesses that develop in our bodies.
This thought came about in the late 1800s when the world famous Louis Pasteur developed his germ theory. His whole theory was based on germs attacking the body. Then along came Robert Koch who believed that it was the healthiness of the body -- not germs -- that determined whether the bacterial virus would show up or could even stay alive in the environment.
This concept is very similar to the image of the dirty trashcan. If you keep your trashcan clean, the varmints never show up. If you keep your body healthy and clean, diseases never show up either. So, if you think about it, a healthy body is a clean trashcan.
Almost 90 years ago, an illness plagued the U.S. that would have made anthrax seem like the hiccups. More than a million people died with what was called the St. Louis Flu in 1918. If you got the St. Louis Flu, you were going to die.
Strangely enough, around that same time, chiropractic, the only American born health care profession, was close to extinction only 23 years after its discovery. In the time just after the end of World War I, laws against slander were so lenient that medical doctors were allowed to openly attack the chiropractic profession without any regard to truth, legality or the best interest of the patients.
Because medical doctors were making it so hard to have a practice, chiropractors were making mostly house calls. In 1918, chiropractors in Wisconsin began going door-to-door adjusting anyone who had the St. Louis Flu.
As a result, an amazing thing occurred. Not a single person with the St. Louis Flu who was adjusted by a chiropractor died.
The news about Chiropractic swept across Wisconsin and eventually the whole country. Within a short period of time, chiropractic became so well known as the best defense against the St. Louis flu that it saved the profession.
My personal opinion is that the dreaded Swine Flu could also be eliminated by keeping your nervous system healthy, and using the God given immune system to keep your body healthy through keeping your system adjusted. The problem with American's is that we want something and we want it now. We have no patience.
Unfortunately, many of the myths and legends started by medical doctors way back then persist today. Even new Medical Doctors get fed a bunch of bologna that Chiropractors are witch doctors.
After the St. Louis Flu had come and gone and chiropractic began to take off, the major medical association realized they failed to eliminate the profession. As a last ditch effort, the state medical boards began offering chiropractors medical licenses, figuring if you can't beat them, control them. Not a single chiropractor took their offer!
Chiropractic never pretended to be a cure for St. Louis Flu, anthrax, back pain, headaches, or cancer back in 1918 or today. Chiropractic simply removes pressure, pinching, tension and interference from the brain stem, spinal cord and nerves. This maximizes your body's God-given strength and its ability to heal and protect itself without the use of dangerous drugs or surgery.
Chiropractic allows your body to be as healthy as possible, my other suggestions are keep hydrated, and exercise, and keep your trash can clean by eating right...remember, if it comes through a drive through window, chances are its not really food!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Choosing A Chiropractor for you condition........
Chiropractic is about keeping your lifeline,-your spine working properly...this lifeline controls everything in your body. So let's say you have problems breathing. Or your child has the symptom commonly termed asthma. Now, let's say you were to bring him or her into my office, we would adjust his spine, and IF the nerve that is going to his lungs was pinched, then unpinched, the lungs would obviously work better. This is how Chiropractic works. Every organ in your body has nerves that go to it, and by adjusting the bones that allow the nervous system pass through them, we take pressure off the nervous system, and the body can once again function normally. How long would you like your nervous system to function at its peak??? That's really the question.
So, do we help with back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, ........yes of course...but the idea is to keep the body functioning. The problem is that most Chiropractors (unfortunately) get out of school with this knowledge, but they listen to "practice consultants" that lie to them and teach them to "abuse" your insurance coverage, and charge you outrageous fees to "make them money" and hurt your wallet.
This makes me sick. I really don't like the idea of a patient coming into my office with the idea of "how long is this going to take to get rid of my headaches"?
I really don't have any idea. However, when your nervous system is working properly, I have a feeling that the headaches will dissipate.
So, if your looking for a Chiropractor who will take care of you like he likes to be taken care of, give me a call...we have plans that go as low as $49.00 a month.. we look forward to seeing you soon.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New Website
Check it out!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Evansville Chiropractors
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Flu prevention plan should include chiropractic
“Contemporary research is beginning to shed light on the neurobiological mechanisms which may explain the outstanding clinical results chiropractors have experienced when managing patients with viral and infectious diseases,” stated Dr. Christopher Kent, Co- Founder of Chiropractic Leadership Alliance.
Dr. Kent explained: “A comprehensive review of the research literature reveals the current understanding that the brain and immune system are the two major adaptive systems in the body. During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body.”
Since its inception, chiropractic has asserted that viruses and microbes don't threaten us all equally and that a healthy immune system easily repels most invaders. The immune system protects us from the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system.
Chiropractors are also aware of the importance of positive health life style practices (rest, drinking ample quantities of water, diet, exercise, proper diet, use of multivitamins and minerals, and stress reduction approaches) that can also positively influence the nervous system and immune response. According to a large study of the chiropractic profession recently conducted by the Institute for Social Research, Ohio Northern University (McDonald et al., 2003), chiropractors also customarily advise their patients as to the benefits of these other modalities in optimizing overall health.
Chiropractors helping patients battle the flu is not a new occurrence either. During the 1917-18 influenza epidemic, which brought death and fear to many Americans, it has been estimated that 20 million people died throughout the world, including about 500,000 Americans. It was chiropractic’s success in caring for flu victims that led to the profession’s licensure in many states.
Researchers reported that in Davenport, Iowa, out of the 93,590 patients treated by medical doctors, there were 6,116 deaths -- a loss of one patient out of every 15. Chiropractors at the Palmer School of Chiropractic adjusted 1,635 cases, with only one death. Outside Davenport, chiropractors in Iowa cared for 4,735 cases with only six deaths -- one out of 866. During
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the same epidemic, in Oklahoma, out of 3,490 flu patients under chiropractic care, there were only seven deaths. Furthermore, chiropractors were called in 233 cases given up as lost after medical treatment, and reportedly saved all but 25. In another report covering 4,193 cases by 213 chiropractors 4,104 showed complete recovery.
“These results are not so surprising given what we now know about the interaction between the nervous system and the immune system” stated Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Editor of the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic. “Through research we know that chiropractic has beneficial effects on immunoglobulins, B-lymphocytes (white blood cells), pulmonary function and other immune system processes.”
One such study, conducted by Patricia Brennan Ph.D and her team, found that when a chiropractic “manipulation” was applied to the middle back, the response of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (white blood cells) taken from blood collected 15 minutes after the manipulation was significantly higher than blood collected 15 minutes before and 30 and 45 minutes after the chiropractic procedure. This research demonstrated an “enhanced respiratory burst” following the chiropractic adjustment. This “burst” is needed for our immune cells to destroy invading viruses and bacteria.
Another small study of HIV positive patients was conducted to study the effects of specific chiropractic adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations in the upper neck on the immune systems of HIV positive individuals. Over the six-month period of the study, the group that did not receive chiropractic care experienced a 7.96% decrease in CD4 cell counts, while the adjusted group experienced a 48% increase in CD4 cell counts over the same period.
A large retrospective study conducted by Robert Blanks Ph.D and colleagues studied 2,818 individuals undergoing chiropractic care - these individuals reported an average overall improvement, ranging from 7-28 percent, in a battery of physical symptoms including stiffness/lack of flexibility in the spine, physical pain, fatigue, incidence of colds and flu, headaches, menstrual discomfort, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, dizziness and falls (Blanks et al., 1997, Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research).
More importantly, the incidence of colds and flu was reduced by an average of 15 percent in this large population who were undergoing regular chiropractic care.
“In addition to the passive recommendations regarding hand washing, avoiding large gatherings, coughing and sneezing into your hands – it makes a great deal of sense to do everything you can to ensure that your immune system is functioning at its best. And that strategy should include chiropractic care,” stated Dr. McCoy.
Whether your concerned about the flu this year or not, you should get regular adjustments to help keep your immune system boosted up, so your body can fight off diseases. If your in the evansville area, give my office a call at 866-365-2049.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Online Booking Now Available
Click below to get started!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
In search of youth, women turning to hormones But such treatments have not been approved by the FDA for anti-aging
Listen guys and gals...God has a plan for each of us...he gave us bodies that last so messing with the chemicals like that....your playing God...and by messing doing so, "causes" problems. I hope if you were thinking about this procedure, because you were told it was safe, you re-think it...
#1, Chiropractors have no business doing this. It would be like you auto mechanic picking the paint color's for your living room walls. Totally not his job.
Here is the link to the article.......
Saturday, August 15, 2009
My story.....this is WHY I am a Chiropractor
Monday, August 3, 2009
and I found this OLD 60 minutes video....
So, I put out a mass email to everyone on my email list....and I get some responses was one of them.....
Are you suggesting that we should remove fluoridation from water? Or eliminate small pox, diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations? I suppose it's better to let women get cancer than provide them with an HPV vaccine. It's pretty easy to take pot shots by finding the occasional mistake. However, I, for one, am glad our government support public health. Unfortunately, many Americans (mostly on the "right") want to throw the baby out with the bath water in the name of "smaller government".
Well, here was my response....
My email blast this morning was to give my opinion, and show some of the facts about vaccination. I see several mothers who bring in their children who "before" the mandated school - vaccines their child was perfectly healthy...after the vaccines, autistic. This was not a pot shot, or an occasional mistake, this news report was on 60 minutes. I didn't make it up. Near the end of the video, the guy who was in charge basically had NO IDEA if there were even trials done on this vaccination.
And let women "get cancer"? No, that is not my intenetion. Do you really think this vaccination will stop cancer? ok, then, why haven't they found an "overall" cure for cancer? Why? Because cancer is a money maker. Look at all the "fund raising" events that go on. Look at all the cancer hospitals out there.....and from what your saying, this vaccine, could cure cancer......Then cancer wouldn't exist anymore....
Have you ever looked up the side effects? nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, paralysis. Ever ask the question...why are women getting cervical cancer? Check this link out....
CNN covered the story
over 9,000 adverse reactions since it began. Merck never takes any blame.
The safety effectiveness of this vaccine: 17 girls a week report having adverse reactions. Do you want that to be your wife or daughter?
You want to take a shot at me and call me "right wing"? Conservative? Because I care that people don't get sick and are being "lead" by the Government to take this drug? I don't like the government controlling our "health care" Does this mean I am against Obama's plan? just means that I think the American People should be able to have their own minds, and choose "intelligently" what they want in their bodies. Health insurance just plain stinks. Honestly, i would rather not pay for it, but I don't think because I don't want to pay, that the tax payers should have to...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
What do batteries and Chiropractic have to do with each other?

Today's topic is batteries. We have to have them to make things work. However, have you ever put the batteries in wrong? How well does that remote work? Not well right? The reason is that although the battery is in there, the chemistry is all wrong. You have to have positive going toward the positive side.
The body works the same way. We know that the body is controlled by the nervous system, and if there is a choke, or a pinch on the nervous system, how well do you think the end product, aka the heart or liver will function? Not as well right? Just like batteries, it screws up the chemistry and things don't function as well. This is the true purpose of Chiropractic. It's not really back pain, or neck pain...although a common misconception, and what most Chiropractors focus on, it's not really what Chiropractic is about. I feel that our office excels at the basics of Chiropractic. We don't add in all the therapy's or vitamins or anything like that. We practice very straight Chiropractic. We also make it very affordable to get into a routine of checking your nervous system on a regular basis.
Honestly, I can't imagine not getting adjusted. I really feel sorry for the children out there not keeping the pressure off of their nervous system. All children can benefit from getting adjusted. We see children all day in our practice. If your interested in getting adjusted, or having your children adjusted, give us a call. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ask the Expert-Evansville Indiana-Once Chiropractors Opinion
The reason why this is important is that by getting adjusted on a regular basis helps keep the immune system pumped up to a extra high level. By doing this, your body is not as susceptible to disease. Many people have actually let us knew that while they're co-workers were sick, they didn't get sick..
The way that I see it, I would like to keep my immune system healthy, not only does it respond to flu's and colds, but also cancer cells, and other nasty things.
Now I am not saying that Chiropractors cure cancer, or anything for that matter, but it helps your body heal itself. That's really how Chiropractic works. It amazes me that some people have such a negative stigma about going for the rest of your life. Well, my opinion is that it is negative because most Chiropractors charge like Medical Doctors. If that is the case, how in the world do these Chiropractors plan on keeping these people aboard? Our office makes it very, very easy
So, Yes, I believe that Chiropractic should be done forever. It's the only way to continually keep the nervous system healthy. And the nervous system goes to everything. So if it's important for you to keep your heart's nerves unpinched, or your lungs nerves unpinched, find a Principled Chiropractor, and if your here in Evansville, give our office a call 476-2225.
If your not here in Evansville, call every chiropractor in town until you find one that says, "Yes, we're principled"
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Pregnant Women Who Exercise Have Healthier Babies
The January 27, 2001 British Medical Journal published the results of a new study that showed that exercise during pregnancy may increase birth weight. The study done at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, followed 46 women who were not exercising by their eighth week of pregnancy.
These women were divided into two groups. One group was placed on a mild exercise regime while the other was not. The results showed that women who exercised gave birth to babies who were significantly heavier and longer than those babies born to women who did not exercise.
In a related article also in the British Medical Journal, was the results of another study that showed that larger babies are smarter and develop into children who perform better in school than smaller babies. The study considered a birth weight of 5.5 pounds to be normal. The lead author of the study, Dr. Marcus Richard of Britain's Medical Research Council states, “It seems clear that birth weight has an influence on cognitive function.” He did go on to state, “Birth weight is only one of the numerous factors that influence cognitive function.”
The study did say that in follow ups of the effects of birth weight on intelligence, the effects were most noticeable under the age of 26. By the age of 43 there were no noticeable effects.
Depending on who you choose to believe, and depending on if you really enjoy that cup of coffee, you get your choice of reports concerning coffee and caffeine. In a recent French study at the French National Health Medical Institute a researcher found that "moderate amounts" of coffee consumed increased energy while having little chance of addiction. These researchers state that caffeine has no effect on the brain centers that could cause addiction. The only flaw with this study is that it was done with rats! Which leads us to the question of just what is a moderate amount of coffee for a rat?
In a seperate study at Duke University Medical Center, researchers found that people (not rats in this one) who drink four to five cups of coffee in the morning forced their blood pressure higher as well as increasing their stress levels all day into the evening. According to this study, even a moderate amount of coffee makes a person react as if they are having a very stressful day. So the question is, "to drink, or not to drink". Your answer probably depends on whose study you believe and how much you really like coffee.
Breast Feeding Shows Benefits for Mothers
Two new studies show more evidence of the importance of breast-feeding for both infants and the mother. According to a report from the Associated Press on January 30, 2001, women who breast-fed their babies for two years or longer reduced their risk of breast cancer by 50%. The study by Yale University following rural women in China, found that the benefits to the mother are long lasting and can reduce cancer risk before and after menopause.
In the US less than 1/3 of women continue breast-feeding for six months after the birth of their infant. Only small portions of women in the US breast-feed their babies until 2 years old. However, in China, as in other developing areas, breast-feeding for longer periods of time is normal.
One of the two possible reasons given by the researchers was that breast-feeding reduces exposure to estrogen and the regular female hormone cycles. The other possible reason given by the researchers is that fat-soluble cancer causing agents and other pollutants are not stored in the tissues of women's breasts as easily when they are breast-feeding.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast-feeding for babies at least up to the first year of life. UNICEF and the World Health Organization go even farther and recommend that babies be breast-fed with the addition of other foods until at least the age of two.
Breast Feeding Is Best For Baby
Two separate stories from the February 27, 2002 and March 27, 2002 issues of Intelihealth both tout the benefits of breastfeeding. Breast FeedingOne of the articles starts off by explaining the financial benefits of breast feeding, where estimates that mothers who breastfeed can save around $3000.00 per year on formula. Additionally, the article states that breast feeding will help a baby to develop maximum intelligence, eyesight, and protection from disease.
One article written by Stacy Kennedy, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N., C.N.S.D. of Brigham and Women's Hospital, slams the formula companies with the quip, "One of the top manufacturers of infant formula boasts that it has been developing its products for over 70 years. Human milk has been in development for 65 million years, since the Cenozoic Age, which saw the rapid evolution of mammals. So the oldest formula companies have been doing research and development only for .0001 percent of the time our biology has been perfecting a product all females have in their possession." She continued by stating, "We have learned that the longer a child is breast-fed, the better he or she will do in school and the higher the child will score on IQ and other standardized tests compared to children who are formula-fed."
An extensive study on breast feeding recently took place in Norway and Sweden and was conducted by researchers at the U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The study showed that full-term babies who were small at birth and who were exclusively fed breast milk for the first six months of their lives scored an average of 11 points higher on IQ tests at age 5, compared with similar-sized babies who were fed breast milk and formula, or breast milk and solid food.
The article also notes that breast-feeding can help to ensure that children won't overeat. Breast fed baby's immune systems also grow into powerful defense arsenals, equipped to protect him or her from a lifetime of exposure to infections and disease. The first human milk that a woman produces, colostrum, is jam-packed with antibodies and key protective nutrients. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding only human milk to babies for the first six months of life and continuing to breast-feed for the first year.
Breast Cancer Linked to Antibiotic Use
From the February 18, 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, (JAMA) comes an alarming study that suggests that breast cancer is linked to the use of antibiotics. Researchers pored over the medical records of thousands of American women and found that those who took the drugs most often had twice the risk of the disease.
Dr. John D. Potter, director of the division of public health sciences at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle and an author of the report noted, "This is potentially worrisome, but we don't know why this connection exists, we only have an observation." He went on to qualify his findings by saying, "At the moment, we need to see these results replicated with more research before drawing any conclusions."
This was not the only study on this phenomenon as in 2000, scientists in Finland found that women younger than 50 who had taken antibiotics for urinary tract infections also had an elevated risk for getting cancer.
The original JAMA study ended with a compelling conclusion, "Use of antibiotics is associated with increased risk of incident and fatal breast cancer. It cannot be determined from this study whether antibiotic use is causally related to breast cancer, or whether indication for use, overall weakened immune function, or other factors are pertinent underlying exposures. Although further studies are needed, these findings reinforce the need for prudent long-term use of antibiotics."
My Bag is Killing Me
The above headline comes from an article in the December 7, 2006 New York Times and describes a growing concern that women's bags are growing bigger and creating more spinal problems. The article interviews several experts who seem to agree that women's bags are getting heavier and therefore putting more pressure on their spines.
Dr. Karen Erickson, a chiropractor who has a private practice in New York City and also serves as a spokeswoman for the American Chiropractic Association, stated, "In the last year or so, I've been seeing the same kinds of issues with adult women that I'm used to seeing with kids who carry heavy backpacks on one shoulder. They're experiencing neck pain, not just while they're carrying their purses, but all the time. A lot of women even get bad headaches.” She also reported, "Lately, when a patient comes in complaining of these symptoms, I walk over and pick up her purse. Without fail, it weighs a ton."
Dr. Marta Callotta, a chiropractor in Long Beach, California, who was also interviewed for the article, said that she advises patients to clean out their purses once a week. She added, "At the end of the day, handbags are one of the biggest culprits for back pain right now. For a year patients have been coming in to me with these giant purses and complaints of soreness. This will keep happening until the trend dies down.”
Dr. Erickson, the chiropractor in Manhattan recommends that women who insist on carrying oversized or overweight bags should alternate the shoulders they carry the bag on. She also suggested that women may want to consider carrying the bag in the middle. However, she noted this suggestion may not be so popular. "It's not exactly glamorous, but if at the end of a long day you find your shoulders aching, slip the bag off and carry it in front of your body with both arms like it's an infant,"
Chiropractic Care and TMJ Problems a Case Study
In the January 2002 edition of the peer reviewed scientific journal, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) appeared a case study on a 41-year-old woman who sought chiropractic care with complaints of pain at the TMJ on both sides, ear pain, ringing in the ears, vertigo, decreased hearing ability, and a sensation of pressure or fullness in both ears. She also reported that movements of her jaw while talking or chewing provoked pain at the TMJ.
Before seeking chiropractic care she was treated for her TMJ by two medical doctors. She was also referred to an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist, who diagnosed her with TMJ syndrome. Additionally, she was referred to a dentist for the problem. Medical recommendations were to apply heat to the area, reduce talking and yelling, and change her diet to a soft diet. Even with all this medical and dental care her symptoms steadily continued to get worse.
Eventually she sought the care of a chiropractor. After an examination it was determined by the chiropractor that the patient had an Atlas subluxation, (first bone in the neck). Care was begun by a series of adjustments. After only a few visits the patient reported significant improvement in her symptoms. After two and a half months she reported complete relief from the TMJ symptoms. She also reported a decrease in the frequency and severity of her headaches. Prior to starting chiropractic care, she was experiencing 1 to 2 migraine headache attacks per month. The effects of the chiropractic care were long term as shown at her 1-year follow-up where she had not experienced any headache symptoms for a period of 9 months and her TMJ complaints had completely resolved.
Chiropractic and Infertility
A study published in the May 2003 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a strong link between the resolution of infertility and the initiation of chiropractic care. The study consisted of a retrospective review of 14 separate articles of 15 women suffering with infertility. In each of these cases chiropractic care was introduced and the results were documented and published.
The studies followed 15 female subjects ranging in age from 22 to 65. The prior pregnancy history of these women revealed 11 of them had never gotten pregnant. Two of the women had prior successful unassisted pregnancies. One woman had an assisted pregnancy, while 1 had a history of a miscarriage. In this group 9 women had previous treatment for infertility before starting chiropractic and 4 were actually undergoing infertility treatment when they started chiropractic care.
The study noted the huge expense of infertility treatment options currently used by many couples noting the range of expenses can easily go into the thousands. The article also noted that in vitro fertilization has shown evidence of long term risks. A study published in November 2002 in the online version of the American Journal of Human Genetics reported that “babies conceived by in vitro fertilization may be at increased risk for a rare genetic disorder that predisposes them to cancer”.
The chiropractic care rendered to the women listed in this study was from a variety of chiropractors using a variety of techniques. The focus of the care in these cases was correction of vertebral subluxations. The research article defined Subluxation by using the agreed definition of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. Subluxation, as defined by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, is a “complex of functional and / or structural and / or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health". The study noted that all of the women in these studies, who were struggling with infertility, had evidence of nerve system interference, as detected by the presence of subluxations.
The results of these individual case studies showed that even though many of these women had tried unsuccessfully for some time to become pregnant, all of the women in this study eventually became pregnant somewhere between 2 months and 20 months of the onset of chiropractic care. One of the case studies was summed up by the author, Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock, DC, DICCP, "Although chiropractic care is not a treatment for infertility, it is postulated that improvement of spinal neural integrity through specific chiropractic adjustments may have contributed to improved homeostasis and physiological adaptation thus allowing the body to express a greater level of health as an outcome."
Chiropractic and Migraines
From the February 2004 issue of the Journal of Chiropractic Pediatrics, comes a documented case study of a 28 year old women who suffered with migraine headaches for over a decade before being helped with chiropractic care. In her case there was no history of previous trauma. Her migraines would last for several days and would cause nausea and dizziness.
In addition to her headaches, she also revealed a history of an irregular menstrual cycle, she would normally menstruate no more than twice per year. This problem resulted in infertility. After years of not becoming pregnant, she sought help from a reproductive endocrinologist. She was placed on medication which created additional side effects but did allow her to become pregnant. Unfortunately, after 9 weeks she suffered a miscarriage.
After years of these problems the woman started chiropractic care. She was initially given an examination and it was determined that she did have spinal problems. A series of specific chiropractic adjustments were then initiated. A re-examination was performed one month after care began. The patient reported a reduction in her headaches. After the second month of care another examination was performed and the patient reported that she had no incidence of migraine headache for the entire previous month. Additionally, the patient noticed that she had started a regular menstrual cycle. Within six months of the initiation of chiropractic care, she became pregnant.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Vacation relief !!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
I made my friend mad...
My opinion, i could care less. I think most Chiropractors would abuse this system anyway. This is why your insurance sucks for Chiropractic anyway...cause of the abuse in the far as being called Dr? I could care less, just call me Andrew.
Lets say for a minute I get shot, please, and I repeat PLEASE TAKE ME TO A M.D. Not a Chiropractor playing medical doctor.
See, I think Medical Doctors are needed. No doubt about it.
Medicine (as a whole) will never ever ever accept Chiropractic. We are the Red Headed step-children. Chiropractors have made their own bed...they think that difference is good within the profession.....well they are wrong. Let me explain...some chiropractors go to school after they get their D.C. (doctor of Chiropractic) to get more letters after their name... DACCI i think is the latest one....the CI refers to chiropractic internist.... These fools go to school for like 3 more years to do the same thing after they get done...they can never really get a prescription pad....they can only adjust...
They have this idea that the more medical we are the more we will be accepted. The truth is its just more letters behind your name, and it costs more money... amazing.
Now, as far as Chiropractors go, if you are not in my area, go see a Principled Chiropractor. Call their office and say, is the Chiropractor Principled? IF they say....huh? Hang up and call the next number in the phone book.
In Principled Chiropractic work, all things going on, neck pain, low back pain, cancer, heart all the same to us, nerve interference. We are not there to diagnose this stuff, we are there to adjust your spine. If this stuff goes away, GREAT!
You don't need hot packs and traction machines, and tens units, cold lasers, when you go to the Chiropractor. All gimmicky crap.
My point is, if your a Chiropractor be a Chiropractor. Don't try to be an MD with people. Most people already have an MD, and don't need another one. The only real Chiropractor out there is a Principled Chiropractor.
Principled Chiropractor take care of people like they take care of their families. We take care of you no matter what, race, color, financial ability, it doesn't matter. You want to know more about my office, check us out at
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Band of Brothers Chiropractic
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Do patients have any idea what Chiropractic is?
Contrary to popular belief, Chiropractors -well me anyway, don't have a long tail and horns. We actually are quite nice people. Anyway, everyone knows we fix backs, but that is only like 10% of what Chiropractors do. In all honesty, we affect the entire nervous, the point of Chiropractic is not neck or back pain, its keeping your nervous system healthy, and the reason that is important is that you can live with back or neck pain, but you can't live with heart disease, cancer, and the big stuff. That's why it is important to get adjusted on a regular basis......our office makes it affordable if you want that. Check out our website, 866.365.2049
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
How much medicine does it take to be healthy?
It reminds me of the story of a woman making a roast. She begins by cutting the ends off both ends before placing it in the pan. Her daughter observes this technique and asks her mother why she cut the ends off. Her mother answers, "I don't know, that's just the way my mother always did it". The little girl goes to her grandmother and asks her to explain this roasting technique. The grandmother answers, "Because I never had a pan big enough for my roast!"
Healthcare is rooted in habit and tradition. The outside-in approach to health has been promoted for centuries, and has become the base upon which western medicine is built. The germ theory states that pathogens(bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus) cause disease in the body leading to symptoms. The solution is the introduction of a chemical (medicine) designed to either kill the pathogen OR decrease the severity of symptoms.
Back to my original question, how many drugs DOES it take to make a person healthy? How many vaccines does it take to help a newborn baby reach its full health potential?
Just some food for thought...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Increadibly Scary Health Crisis Happening!
For an example, there's the drug resistant staph infection knows as MRSA, which was responsible for more than 18000 deaths in 2007 in the United States alone according to the Centers for Disease Control.
More than 100,000 Americans die each year from hospital-acquired infections. Sounding the "OH CRAP" alarm, the FDA warns that "the world could be faced with previously treatable diseases that have once again become untraeatable, as in the days before the antibiotic were developed".
The good news is that you have some choices, you can either live in a bubble, or you can pump up your immune system against this kind of stuff with regular visits to your Chiropractor. That's what Chiropractic is really about....keeping your body at its fullest potential to fight off disease, and live as healthy as you can. Remember, true health is not about feeling good, its about keeping the immune system healthy. Our office is expanding our hours to accomodate more people. As of right now, we are open M-F 11-1 and 4-7 and sat 11-1. Keep an eye on the site as we may be expanding even more.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A testimony for Gardasil
Medical Chiropractor...
so my buddy meets up with his family for a fun dinner at McDonalds, they have a young daughter, and he brings a portable table with him to adjust his family.....(above picture)
and he puts this picture on his facebook page. And a few hours later he gets this nasty comment from another chiropractor... This is what she said...
You guys do realize that other people (not chiropractors) see this stuff??? I'm just saying I have alot of friends/colleagues who are in the so called "medical" field that would think the wallet comment and the adjusting in the parking is rediculous. Please realize that this what the general population thinks of chiros and it is embarassing. This is exactly why medical doctors and insurance companies dont take us seriously. Sorry, guys . . .its funny in the "chiropractic bubble" but in real life this is the stuff that gives us a bad name. . I totally get it, yes its funny. . but maybe in an email and not posted on Facebook. Sorry to be the biotch but come on. . your posting this on internet for anyone to copy and paste (which you can totally do from any picture you post of fb). . .its unprofessional and inappropriate.
Well, the truth is, he is doing what the Chiropractors years ago calls. It just happens there wasn't a house there....arches.....
anyway, the coolest part about chiropractic is a Chiropractor it takes two things to work, my hands, and a place for a person to lay down. That's it. When we go to Panama, or Mexico and thest people find out there is a Chiropractor in town, they line up 500-1000 at a time in line and wait all day to get get an adjustment. They realize the importance of ask MOST Chiropractors in America to adjust more than 15 or 20 people in day, and they would tell you that it just isn't possible....the reason is that its because "Medical Chiropractors" offer so many "services" electric stim, ultrasound, x-rays, tire rotations, bla bla bla bla bla.....(most of that stuff is just to increase your bill by the way) .
I guess my point is that if you've found this webpage, its not by accident. Your thinking about getting adjusted, and you've landed here. God opens and closes doors all the time, and this may be your ticket. If you found this page and your not in my area, join my network of doctors at and find one in your area. These guys will take care of you like family and not make you jump through rings of fire and walk over hot coals to become patients.....
Until next time, the innate in me blesses the innate in you.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
You think vaccines are safe? Think again
Monday, January 26, 2009
Evansville's #1 Chiropractor exposes the truth
Name: M J D.C.
Phone: 406-207-****
City: missoula
State: mt
Message: Not sure if I went to school with you but from the looks of your homepage I suggest you go bury your head! What a way to give chiropractic a discount Dr name. Way to go dip**it! Please call so I have the chance to disgrace you further!
I get emails like this all the time from Chiropractors who think they are Medical Doctors. Apparently he is upset because he doesn't get to wear a stetha-scope around his neck or write prescriptions, he wants to belittle me. Honestly I wish I could speak to him, and show him how to really grow his treating people fairly.....
See the problem with these guys is this, they are SO upset with me for providing Chiropractic care at an affordable fee that they search me and other guys out to whine because they don't have a good practice. As a matter of fact, he told me that he charges $150 a visit...more than my unlimited monthly fee. So, if your interested, shoot me an email, and I can give you his name and phone number---HAHAHA.
The problem with Chiropractors today is they think Chiropractic has something to do with back pain, neck pain, or headaches and by taking x-rays they think they can diagnose your problem....the truth is, I've seen x-rays of people with non-textbook perfect spines and they don't have headaches or neck pain....why is that? And don't fall for that "Your spine is crooked, and its going to take 12 visits (or more) to correct it." This is what the practice consultants teach....and the truth is, ya maybe it will become curved again, maybe not...if not, I bet the Chiropractor doesn't take the credit, he will blame you for that.
**Here's the senario, you sit at your desk all day on the computer, typing, emailing, bent over, and 12-30 visits is going to heal you? RIGHT.... the truth is, you need to be adjusted on a regular basis to combat your habits....theres probably no real correction for you....thats a buzz term that Chiropractors are taught to use..
This is not at all what Chiropractic is about at all...i'm not saying that patients don't "feel better" or get relief from headaches or back pain, its just that Chiropractic is really about your immune system and nervous system. When you have non-blocked nerve impulses your body is healthier.
Now, is it worth 150 a visit? Maybe, I guess if your having really bad pain, and the adjustment helps with that pain...but Chiropractic works best if you have a routine of 1X a week or so. This routine could keep away problems such as heart disease, or even cancer. Now, I didn't say it would heal cancer, or heart disease, but cases have been recorded.
So, if this sounds like a good plan to you, give us a call and schedule your first appointment. If you like me and the office, I'll dial you in on our unlimited plan. This means no appointments, no waiting, you come in, get popped and your on your way again. We try to make it as easy for you as possible.
Call us today at 866-365-2049
P.S. Don't pay ridiculously high fees for adjustments- and if you've been to a Chiropractor who has done this to you, I'm sorry. Give us a call, and we'll treat you like family. Check us out on our website at
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Evansville Chiropractic at its best
Watch EVANSVILLE'S #1 CHIROPRACTOR in Celebrity Videos | View More Free Videos Online at
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