Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Medical Chiropractor...

so my buddy meets up with his family for a fun dinner at McDonalds, they have a young daughter, and he brings a portable table with him to adjust his family.....(above picture)
and he puts this picture on his facebook page. And a few hours later he gets this nasty comment from another chiropractor... This is what she said...

You guys do realize that other people (not chiropractors) see this stuff??? I'm just saying I have alot of friends/colleagues who are in the so called "medical" field that would think the wallet comment and the adjusting in the parking is rediculous. Please realize that this what the general population thinks of chiros and it is embarassing. This is exactly why medical doctors and insurance companies dont take us seriously. Sorry, guys . . .its funny in the "chiropractic bubble" but in real life this is the stuff that gives us a bad name. . I totally get it, yes its funny. . but maybe in an email and not posted on Facebook. Sorry to be the biotch but come on. . your posting this on internet for anyone to copy and paste (which you can totally do from any picture you post of fb). . .its unprofessional and inappropriate.

Well, the truth is, he is doing what the Chiropractors years ago did...house calls. It just happens there wasn't a house there....arches.....

anyway, the coolest part about chiropractic is this...as a Chiropractor it takes two things to work, my hands, and a place for a person to lay down. That's it. When we go to Panama, or Mexico and thest people find out there is a Chiropractor in town, they line up 500-1000 at a time in line and wait all day to get adjusted.......to get an adjustment. They realize the importance of this....you ask MOST Chiropractors in America to adjust more than 15 or 20 people in day, and they would tell you that it just isn't possible....the reason is that its because "Medical Chiropractors" offer so many "services" electric stim, ultrasound, x-rays, tire rotations, bla bla bla bla bla.....(most of that stuff is just to increase your bill by the way) .

I guess my point is that if you've found this webpage, its not by accident. Your thinking about getting adjusted, and you've landed here. God opens and closes doors all the time, and this may be your ticket. If you found this page and your not in my area, join my network of doctors at www.affordabledc.net and find one in your area. These guys will take care of you like family and not make you jump through rings of fire and walk over hot coals to become patients.....

Until next time, the innate in me blesses the innate in you.

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