Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why do some people have "allergies" and others don't....

I was THRILLED to hear a Practice Member say this exact quote to me this past week.
I was even more thrilled at his answer when I asked,
"Have any idea why?"
Can you guess what his answer was?
Yes, yes, yes.... a thousand times yes!  I am so proud that he's gotten the BIG IDEA!
Have you ever wondered why some people are allergic to pollen and some aren't?  How is it that some people can eat fast food for every meal and never gain a pound, and some eat it once a month and regret it forever?  It has to do with YOU!  As with everything else we encounter, WHAT WE DO.... WHO WE ARE... AND HOW WE FUNCTION.... IS ALL PATTERNED IN OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM.   When we have vertebral subluxations, we cannot adapt to the environment around us.   Our nervous system is choked out because of the pressure on the nerve from the vertebral subluxation.  The lack of adaptation to these outside factors leads to "allergies", "symptoms" and "syndromes" because those subluxations have been lying there quietly FOR YEARS.  From the moment we are born our body is learning to adapt to it's environment.  The more we come in contact with, the more we learn to fight the pollen in the air and the chemistry in our body.  It's our way of learning to adapt to our new environment.  Your immune system is linked directly to the nervous system.  Having practice members recognize that they are NOTICING that their immune system is getting stronger is a HUGE indication that the NERVOUS SYSTEM  is getting stronger.... and when that happens your quality of life is improving with every adjustment. You are doing great things for yourself by getting adjusted on a regular basis.  Is your whole family enjoying the benefits of chiropractic?  

* Not all Chiropractors think the same, If your thinking about going to a Chiropractor for continued care, we recommend checking out and see who's close to you.  This list is growing all the time, so check back often.
These Chiropractors have plans available for your entire family, so everyone can get adjusted for what you'd pay at another Chiropractors office for one person to get one visit!

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