Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chiropractic Member "gets it"

So I was busy adjusting people earlier, when a new member asks me a question about a particular condition... I walk him over to a chart I have on the wall and explain to him that Chiropractic is not about back pain, or neck pain, or any pain at all...really.

I further explain to him, it works like a fuse box. If you take the fuse out, whatever that fuse goes to, doesn't work anymore. Your spine controls your body just like a fuse will it help with neck pain? maybe, back pain? maybe... headaches? maybe, how about bed wetting? maybe, or cancer even? maybe.

You see, my job is not to "get rid" of symptoms. I am not a medical doctor. Medicine has one distinct get rid of symptoms. And Medical Doctors and medicine is really good at doing this...however, Chiropractic is something different than that.

Chiropractic, is about keeping the body healthy....keeping the fuse box full of good working fuses!

Anyway, back to this he what your telling me is that when people have conditions, it could be that they have just neglected their bodies for so long that physical things start happening?

YES! (a lightbulb flashed over his head-like in the cartoons)

If you would like to get your spine checked, give our office a call at 866-365-2049 anytime day or night. If you like we we do, we have plans that range from 49 to 99 a month for unlimited care!

~In Health,

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