Monday, July 2, 2012

Unlimited Adjustments for just $79? We believe that most chiropractors have made getting chiropractic adjustments too complicated and too expensive. And, we believe even more strongly that everybody benefits from regular chiropractic adjustments. So, we offer REALLY affordable fees. And you don’t need insurance. No hidden fees or gimmicks. Here are the fees, plain and simple: Our “Membership” Fees “Single” Options (1 person, any age) Single Month of Unlimited Care: $129 Unlimited Membership: $84/Mo.*** We also have family options: “Family” Options (2 Adults and all kids 18 & under in the house) Single Month of Unlimited Care: $179 Unlimited Membership: $134/Mo.*** Call to get started: 812-476-2225 If your not in my area, but would like to find a Chiropractor like me, please visit and you may find one in your area!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This Weekend...

So this weekend, i had to sit through a "sports injury" seminar to get continuing education credits.

The host was football player / Chiropractor Jack Dolbin.

History on Jack: John Tice "Jack" Dolbin (born October 12, 1948 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania) is a former professional American football wide receiver who played five seasons for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League. He started for the Broncos in Super Bowl XII . He is considered one of the most successful players that surged from the World Football League. Before his WFL career he played on sandlots for the semi-pro Pottstown Firebirds of the Atlantic Coast Football League and Schuylkill County Coal Crackers of the Seaboard Football League. National College of Chiropractic graduate and nationally recognized expert on chiropractic and sports.

Anyway, while i was there, i had a Chiropractor from our surrounding area stop me, and tell me i didn't instill value in "Chiropractic" because i have lower fees, and make it available to you, the consumer at a (what i consider) fair fee.

While it's true, i won't perform a complete "MEDICAL" examination on you, like your medical doctor does, we as Chiropractors actually do two completely separate things when compared to your medical doctor. (Well, i do at least)

Where traditional medicine looks for a symptom and a way to hide it from sight, Chiropractic or, Non-therapeutic Chiropractors look at the body as a whole....meaning that when the energy to the body isn't working right, none of the body has a chance to work right. So, by keeping the nerves from being pinched on a regular basis IS the only way Chiropractic can work well.

In contrast, some Chiropractors try to play medical doctor, and "relieve conditions" such as carpal tunnel, or shoulder pain. These are usually temporary fixes because once your insurance runs out, the adjustments stop, and then the body can't adapt well anymore.

This is why i feel it's important to see a Chiropractor on a regular basis, and allow your body to consistently be working at its prime.

To find a list of Chiropractors who practice this way, go to

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


For Life?

                Who believes that in order to get fit and in shape, it requires just one good workout? One solid session in the gym with the weights, yoga mat, treadmill, etc. and that’s it. Of course nobody believes this. We all know that getting in shape is a process that requires regular exercise.  There is usually a ramp up phase in the beginning where we shake of the cobwebs, deal with the after workout soreness and take the first steps to getting back into shape. Once we get the ball rolling, we know that in order to stay in shape, we have to exercise regularly.  How long do we need to continue exercising for? That all depends on how long you want to be fit.  If lifetime fitness is a goal, then lifetime exercise is a must.
                How about when it comes to healthy eating? Is it reasonable to think that after eating one big veggie laden salad, you’re all of a sudden nutritious? Once again this line of thinking is ridiculous. It is common sense to know that healthy eating is not a one-time event. We can’t eat one healthy meal and expect the nutrients from the meal to provide healthy fuel for our body throughout life. If we want to fuel our bodies with proper nutrition, we all know that this is something that is done over the course of our lives, not just for one meal or even for one full month.
                What about when it comes to recuperation and recovery? Does anyone believe that it takes just one full, restful night sleep and we are good to go? Wouldn’t that be nice? We all know that in order to allow our bodies to rejuvenate and recover, we need to get some sleep each night. And how long does this go on? We sleep throughout the course of our entire lives to allow our bodies to recover and repair.
                Well, what about chiropractic care? The same line of thinking we used for the above examples can be applied to chiropractic care as well. First, let’s look at what chiropractic does and clear up any misunderstandings. Chiropractors work to remove interference from the nerve system (which is the system that coordinates and controls everything in the body). What causes interference to the nerve system? Stress! Physical, chemical and emotional stressors result in nervous system interference (think accidents, falls, sports injuries, smoking, pollution, financial worries, job stress. You get the idea). How is the interference removed?  By adjusting the spine to restore clear communication between the brain and the body (via the spinal cord). Once the brain-body connection is restored, proper healing and normal function begin to take place. So is the goal of chiropractic to alleviate back pain, neck pain or headaches?  No, these are just wonderful side-effects of having clear nerve system communication. How often should our nerve systems be clear of this interference? Well considering the fact that the nerve system runs the body, shouldn’t the answer be as often as possible? Of course! And that is why most chiropractors recommend that their practice members return every week or every other week for a “tune-up” throughout their lives. Why for life? Well since none of us lives in a bubble, and we are all exposed to stress throughout life, regular chiropractic care to remove the interference caused by stress makes sense. For the same reasons you would exercise throughout life, eat healthy foods and get sleep, make sure you maintain a clear brain-body connection throughout life too!

Monday, March 26, 2012

March Madness

It’s that time of year again. The “big dance” is in full swing. Another year filled with upsets and excitement as teams compete for this year’s NCAA men’s and woman’s basketball titles. When looking at a few of the potential champs this year and reviewing previous winners I can’t help but thinking about what comprises a talented, championship-caliber team. I have found a few common threads.  Great teams consist of more than just one or two players who score all the points. Quality teams consist of each player doing his part, contributing his share and most importantly working together and playing as a cohesive unit on the court. There are so many examples of teams with the national player of the year who did not fare well in the tournament because one player does not make a team great. Another common point when looking at great college teams is to look at the coach and his ability to control and coordinate the game through his players. It’s no surprise that teams like Duke (just a little personal bias!), North Carolina, Syracuse, UCONN and Kansas are great year in and year out. They have legendary coaches who can clearly communicate and get the best out of their players. When you think about it, it’s kind of like that with our own bodies and our health. Let me explain…
Just like each player on the team has his role and part to play, so do the various parts of our bodies. Our digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, and all the other systems each have an important role to play in maintaining health.  Each one of these systems is intertwined with and dependent on the others, just like players on a championship basketball team. Like the coach with his players, what in our body controls and coordinates these systems and all the functions of the body? The nervous system. The nervous system is comprised of our brains, spinal cords, and nerves which branch out to every cell in the body. The nervous system acts as the coach of our bodies by sending messages down the spinal cord and over the nerves to all the parts of the body. Likewise, the players can communicate back to the coach by sending messages back up the spinal cord to the brain about what they are experiencing. In the game of basketball, when a coach loses the ability to communicate with his team, chaos usually ensues. Many times he calls a timeout to be able to re-connect with his players on the sideline. In the game of health, when the nervous system is disturbed and interfered with, the body always functions at less than 100%. The brain can’t clearly direct and coordinate the rest of the body. Without calling a timeout to re-establish communication and the brain-body connection, health problems ensue.
So what does a chiropractor do? Chiropractors remove interference from the nervous system to restore the body’s self-healing and self-regulating ability. The adjustment acts as the timeout in our basketball analogy. By removing interference and re-establishing the brain-body connection, our bodies begin to heal and move towards their natural states of health. By removing interference, we can get the best out of our bodies just like a great coach can get the best out of his players. Make sure the coach of your body is able to communicate with his/her team and make chiropractic adjustments a part of your healthy lifestyle routine.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Cell phone use in our country is at an all-time high and will undoubtedly continue to expand as phones become capable of doing more and more. As things tend to speed up in our world, cell phones have enabled us to communicate whenever a need arises. From hosting a business teleconference that links people from various locations, to providing a way to tell our spouse to pick up dinner on the way home from work, cell phones have made new things possible. The newest fads are the smart phones such as Apple’s iPhone, which provide amazing internet possibilities, video cameras, planners, applications and just about anything you can imagine and more in a phone. These apps are wonderful, but without a clear signal, no matter the bells and whistles, a cell phone can no longer serve its main function. At some point, everyone who owns a cell phone has experienced the frustration of either not being able to make a call due to poor service or engaging in a conversation where you can only hear every third word. Most remember laughing at and relating to the Verizon commercials from a few years back where the guy is constantly asking “can you hear me now?”
Much like interference to a cell phone signal hampers and limits the potential of our phones; interference to the body’s nervous system restricts a person’s ability to express life and health to the fullest extent. The nervous system is wonderfully comprised of the brain, spinal cord and nerves which disperse and connect with every cell, tissue, muscle, organ, gland, etc. in our body. The nervous system coordinates and controls all functions the body performs, from breathing to walking to digestion to healing…everything!!!  The brain communicates with the body by sending messages down the spinal cord and over the nerves to a particular part of the body. This is also how our body communicates back to our brain. For example, when we place our hand on a hot stove a message is sent from the nerve receptors in our hand back up the nerve, up the spine and to the brain to let us know we better move our hand. When interference is present in the nervous system it negatively affects the body’s ability to function properly because our brain has a bad cell phone reception with the rest of the body. What if the heart is on the other line of that call? Is it going to get the proper messages from the brain to work the way it is supposed to? Or if the reception between the brain and stomach is poor, how will our digestive function be?
Nervous system interference is called a subluxation and the goal of Chiropractic is to correct these subluxations by adjusting the spine and to restore balance and a clear signal to the nervous system. Chiropractic is an essential component of health, healing and functioning at 100%. Like apps on an iPhone, exercise, diet, meditation and deep breathing are all great features that can enhance health, but in order to get the best use of our body and highest levels of health, a clear signal is a must. Who do you know who may be struggling with interference? Share with them how chiropractic and a clear nervous system signal has enhanced your life.     

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Your body is amazing!

Have you ever stopped to think about just how amazing you are? If not I’m encouraging you to do so now…However long ago it was, you were formed from just two cells. All that you are at this point in your life started when two cells united. What happened to those two cells is incredible. They began to multiply, the nervous system was formed, organs appeared, limbs grew and voila, 9 months later you were born. The wonders don’t cease there though. From that time until now your body has been doing some pretty impressive stuff. First off, think about the growth both physically and mentally that has occurred since you were welcomed into the world. On top of that your body has been taking food and turning it into living tissue, getting rid of waste products daily, destroying old worn out cells and replacing them with new ones, and so much more.
                What’s perhaps most impressive is that you never even had to think about doing any of this. Your body automatically knows to make your heart pump, to breathe air through the lungs, to digest food, and all the other countless processes that occur every second inside you. It’s pretty practical that our body does this automatically considering how busy life can get for us. There is no doubt we are intelligent beings and this intelligence directs and coordinates everything going on in our bodies.
                Have you ever taken the time to think how this intelligence runs the show? Our bodies’ innate intelligence directs life over the nervous system. It is the first system that forms from those two cells and controls everything from that point on. The nervous system is comprised of the brain, spinal cord and nerves, which go to every single cell, tissue and organ we have. It serves as the highway upon which innate intelligence drives the body. For anything to occur in our bodies, messages are sent from the brain, down the spinal cord and over the nerves, which go everywhere. The body parts in turn communicate back to the brain using the reverse route.  Our bodies are so wonderfully created that the skull and spinal bones encase our brain and spinal cord to provide protection to this powerful, yet delicate system.
                As life plays out and we take part in it, all of us are exposed to a great amount of stress. Some of these are positive stressors such as going for a hike or working out, and a bunch are negative stressors. Over time this negative stress (slips and falls as kids, sports injuries, car accidents, poor posture, financial worries, relationship woes, eating processed foods, drinking sodas, you get the idea!) cause interference to the nervous system. The spinal bones begin to lose their proper alignment and motion. When this happens it causes direct interference to the nervous system by interrupting the brain-body connection. This is known as a subluxation and any time this occurs it always causes the body to operate at less than 100% or full potential, because the brain can’t properly communicate with the body and vice –versa. Most of the time this occurs without any signs and symptoms ,which are a poor indictor of health anyway.
                Many people are pleasantly surprised to learn that it is this same nervous system and innate intelligence that Chiropractors work with. We carefully assess the spine and nervous system, locate these areas of interference and remove them.  By doing this we allow that intelligence that resides in each of us to be more fully expressed.  Boxing chiropractic into back pain and neck pain severely limits its potential. Don’t get me wrong, decreased pain is a wonderful side effect of chiropractic, but its prospective is so much more. Think about the potential side effects of removing interference to the intelligence that runs your body: (increased energy, feelings of ease, improved health and healing, etc.) Why constrict such a powerful thing to back and neck pain. What’s even better is that all this is done by working with the body, rather than imposing our will with toxic drugs and chemicals. We simply remove the interference and let the body do its thing.
                The great thing about chiropractic is that anyone can benefit from its application. From those who are health compromised to those wanting to reach more of their potential. From the newborn to the elderly, everyone benefits from a clear brain-body connection.
                Is your nervous system operating free from interference? Have you made chiropractic a part of your healthy lifestyle choices? A proper brain-body connection is required for you to be living out your full health and life potential. If you experience the wonderful benefits of chiropractic share it with someone you love today. If not I want to encourage you to join all those who already do and reap the benefits of the full expression of your innate intelligence.

A friend of mine wrote this, - Brent Vuyovich, DC, but i feel the same way!
If your looking for a great Chiropractor in your area, check out and find someone in your neighborhood. We on the site believe everyone should be able to get Chiropractic care without costing a small fortune.

Why do some people have "allergies" and others don't....

I was THRILLED to hear a Practice Member say this exact quote to me this past week.
I was even more thrilled at his answer when I asked,
"Have any idea why?"
Can you guess what his answer was?
Yes, yes, yes.... a thousand times yes!  I am so proud that he's gotten the BIG IDEA!
Have you ever wondered why some people are allergic to pollen and some aren't?  How is it that some people can eat fast food for every meal and never gain a pound, and some eat it once a month and regret it forever?  It has to do with YOU!  As with everything else we encounter, WHAT WE DO.... WHO WE ARE... AND HOW WE FUNCTION.... IS ALL PATTERNED IN OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM.   When we have vertebral subluxations, we cannot adapt to the environment around us.   Our nervous system is choked out because of the pressure on the nerve from the vertebral subluxation.  The lack of adaptation to these outside factors leads to "allergies", "symptoms" and "syndromes" because those subluxations have been lying there quietly FOR YEARS.  From the moment we are born our body is learning to adapt to it's environment.  The more we come in contact with, the more we learn to fight the pollen in the air and the chemistry in our body.  It's our way of learning to adapt to our new environment.  Your immune system is linked directly to the nervous system.  Having practice members recognize that they are NOTICING that their immune system is getting stronger is a HUGE indication that the NERVOUS SYSTEM  is getting stronger.... and when that happens your quality of life is improving with every adjustment. You are doing great things for yourself by getting adjusted on a regular basis.  Is your whole family enjoying the benefits of chiropractic?  

* Not all Chiropractors think the same, If your thinking about going to a Chiropractor for continued care, we recommend checking out and see who's close to you.  This list is growing all the time, so check back often.
These Chiropractors have plans available for your entire family, so everyone can get adjusted for what you'd pay at another Chiropractors office for one person to get one visit!