For Life?
Who believes that in order to get
fit and in shape, it requires just one
good workout? One solid session in the gym with the weights, yoga mat,
treadmill, etc. and that’s it. Of course nobody believes this. We all know that
getting in shape is a process that requires regular exercise. There is usually a ramp up phase in the
beginning where we shake of the cobwebs, deal with the after workout soreness
and take the first steps to getting back into shape. Once we get the ball
rolling, we know that in order to stay in shape, we have to exercise regularly. How long do we need to continue exercising
for? That all depends on how long you want to be fit. If lifetime fitness is a goal, then lifetime
exercise is a must.
How about when it comes to
healthy eating? Is it reasonable to think that after eating one big veggie
laden salad, you’re all of a sudden nutritious? Once again this line of
thinking is ridiculous. It is common sense to know that healthy eating is not a one-time event. We can’t eat one
healthy meal and expect the nutrients from the meal to provide healthy fuel for
our body throughout life. If we want to fuel our bodies with proper nutrition,
we all know that this is something that is done over the course of our lives,
not just for one meal or even for one full month.
What about when it comes to
recuperation and recovery? Does anyone believe that it takes just one full,
restful night sleep and we are good to go? Wouldn’t that be nice? We all know that
in order to allow our bodies to rejuvenate and recover, we need to get some
sleep each night. And how long does this go on? We sleep throughout the course
of our entire lives to allow our
bodies to recover and repair.
Well, what about chiropractic
care? The same line of thinking we used for the above examples can be applied
to chiropractic care as well. First, let’s look at what chiropractic does and
clear up any misunderstandings. Chiropractors work to remove interference from
the nerve system (which is the system that coordinates and controls everything
in the body). What causes interference to the nerve system? Stress! Physical,
chemical and emotional stressors result in nervous system interference (think
accidents, falls, sports injuries, smoking, pollution, financial worries, job
stress. You get the idea). How is the interference removed? By adjusting the spine to restore clear communication between the brain and
the body (via the spinal cord). Once the brain-body connection is restored,
proper healing and normal function begin to take place. So is the goal of
chiropractic to alleviate back pain, neck pain or headaches? No, these are just wonderful side-effects of
having clear nerve system communication. How often should our nerve systems be
clear of this interference? Well considering the fact that the nerve system
runs the body, shouldn’t the answer be as often as possible? Of course! And
that is why most chiropractors recommend that their practice members return
every week or every other week for a “tune-up” throughout their lives. Why for
life? Well since none of us lives in a bubble, and we are all exposed to stress
throughout life, regular chiropractic
care to remove the interference caused by stress makes sense. For the same
reasons you would exercise throughout life, eat healthy foods and get sleep,
make sure you maintain a clear brain-body connection throughout life too!