For the past several years i've had this bose system. I've always thought it didn't really sound as good in my house as it did in the store. I never could understand why. I played with all the settings, took apart the base module, everything. Nothing ever really seemed to make it sound that great. So, last night, I thought, why don't we re-check the connections, and see if getting it reconnected would help. Maybe it's just not getting a good signal. Sure enough, here's what my wires looked like....
This is a bad sign to i fixed up the wires the best i could to this state...
And guess what.....we have good sound! Actually, great sound!
It works that way with your body also. Alot of people suffer with all kinds of things such as headaches, neck pain, back pain, stuff like that...but it's not a lack of tylenol their body is suffering from, its wear and tear, and an unhealthy nervous system. Keeping that system working properly keeps your body at its maximum potential, and life to work as it should. My suggestion is to keep your system working well, and keep it adjusted regularly. If you have any questions, let me know!