Monday, March 30, 2009

I made my friend mad...

This weekend I made one of my friends (a friend from my Chiropractic class) very mad at me. The reason is that she was upset that the President isn't planning on incorporating Chiropractic into the new budget. Also, the fact that he wants to take out Physician off of our licenses. Can you feel the ego? She thinks that because she paid the money to be a Chiropractor, that she deserves to be called Doctor.

My opinion, i could care less. I think most Chiropractors would abuse this system anyway. This is why your insurance sucks for Chiropractic anyway...cause of the abuse in the far as being called Dr? I could care less, just call me Andrew.

Lets say for a minute I get shot, please, and I repeat PLEASE TAKE ME TO A M.D. Not a Chiropractor playing medical doctor.

See, I think Medical Doctors are needed. No doubt about it.


Medicine (as a whole) will never ever ever accept Chiropractic. We are the Red Headed step-children. Chiropractors have made their own bed...they think that difference is good within the profession.....well they are wrong. Let me explain...some chiropractors go to school after they get their D.C. (doctor of Chiropractic) to get more letters after their name... DACCI i think is the latest one....the CI refers to chiropractic internist.... These fools go to school for like 3 more years to do the same thing after they get done...they can never really get a prescription pad....they can only adjust...

They have this idea that the more medical we are the more we will be accepted. The truth is its just more letters behind your name, and it costs more money... amazing.

Now, as far as Chiropractors go, if you are not in my area, go see a Principled Chiropractor. Call their office and say, is the Chiropractor Principled? IF they say....huh? Hang up and call the next number in the phone book.

In Principled Chiropractic work, all things going on, neck pain, low back pain, cancer, heart all the same to us, nerve interference. We are not there to diagnose this stuff, we are there to adjust your spine. If this stuff goes away, GREAT!

You don't need hot packs and traction machines, and tens units, cold lasers, when you go to the Chiropractor. All gimmicky crap.

My point is, if your a Chiropractor be a Chiropractor. Don't try to be an MD with people. Most people already have an MD, and don't need another one. The only real Chiropractor out there is a Principled Chiropractor.

Principled Chiropractor take care of people like they take care of their families. We take care of you no matter what, race, color, financial ability, it doesn't matter. You want to know more about my office, check us out at

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Band of Brothers Chiropractic

Alot of Chiropractors will have no idea what this video is even about.....but the truth is, there's different types of Chiropractors out there.......this is a really cool video to watch if your a principled Chiropractor

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bil Maher Rant

No one quite puts it like Bill...however, he is right.....check out this video...